We are a local of Unifor, Canada’s largest
private-sector union representing more than
300,000 workers in every major sector of Canada’s
economy, including 12,000 in media.
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Metroland updates
Media Action Plan for Metroland: Next Steps and resources for Employees
Employees come together to form a strong, unified voice
The need for workers to come together to improve wages, benefits and working conditions is as strong — if not stronger — today than it’s ever been.
Find the collective agreement and the executive for your workplace, plus other information more personalized for you.
Empower yourself and your team by easily accessing documents to file expenses and grievances, plus read the bylaws to stay informed.
Unifor worked hard to successfully encourage decision-makers to expand the Canada Pension plan in 2016 and to roll eligibility for Old Age Security back to 65 from 67. But most people will need more than CPP and OAS to achieve their retirement income goals. They will also need good employer pension plans and other savings.
Help is here in confronting harassment to media workers and Journalists. Online harassment is not part of the job. No one should face abuse for doing their job. What you do, or don’t do, is up to you. We are here to help.
Want to get more involved or learn more about other initiatives within the local? Check out the women’s committee and equity committee, or apply to a scholarship
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