
Equal Pay Day

Equal Pay Day marks the gender pay gap. On average, women must work 15.5 months – or 3.5 months into the new year – to earn what a man earns in 12 months. Ontario’s ministers of Labour, Finance, Women’s Issues, Economic Development, Education, and Skills Development all have an express mandate to close the gender pay gap but the government still hasn’t announced how it plans to close the gap. Make sure to wear red because the gender pay gap leaves women in the red!

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to Mar 31

ORC Executive and Standing Committee

Regional Councils meet at least once a year, with every local eligible to send delegates to discuss and debate important issues in their regions such as provincial labour laws and policies, and regional economic and social concerns. Regional and Quebec Councils will also spearhead various campaigns and activities.

The councils are funded by a per capita share levy to each of the member locals.

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