CEP/CAW announce merger

CEP and CAW announce details of new combined union

The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) and the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) have revealed the details of a new super-union the leaders of the two unions hope to have in place next year. The new organization will form the largest private sector union in Canada with approximately 320,000 members. The membership will have the opportunity to vote on the new organization at conventions. The CAW votes in August while the CEP convention will be held in October. If approved by convention delegates, representing the membership, the founding convention of the new union will be held in 2013. 

CEP Local 87M's Executive Committee has recommended support for the new union but the Local is putting the question to its membership in an online referendum to be held from Sept 10-17. Local delegates to the CEP convention will be bound by the decision of the membership. The Local is mounting a comprehensive communications plan, which includes information meetings around the province of Ontario, to inform members about the issues involved in the new union project.

Read more in the Toronto Star ...


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