Professional journalism is more important than ever

Professional journalism is more important than ever

Photo: From left, Unifor Atlantic Director and columnist Lana Payne, Hamilton Spectator journalist Terri Pecoskie, Unifor Local 87-M president and JournalismIS committee member Paul Morse, and Zuliana Lainez, Internatonal Federation of Journalists board member, celebrate the launch of the national JournalismIS campaign June 12, promoting increased awareness, recognition and support for professional journalism.


A coalition of professional associations, unions and media organizations have launched an advertising campaign highlighting the value and benefits of professional journalism.


The June 12 launch of the JournalismIS campaign at the Ryerson University Rogers Communication Centre, featured a presentation of the print, online and video advertisements (, which began running across the country June 13. More than 100 journalists, media employees, journalists and representatives of newspaper publishers and broadcasters, participated in the campaign launch. Speakers included prominent print and broadcast journalist Chantal Hébert.


The campaign aims to rally the wider community of journalists and media workers, media corporations and media consumers to increase awareness, recognition and support for professional journalism.


"News is the lifeblood of our democracy. As the volume of information and the range of opinion available to media consumers increases, the contribution of professional journalism has become more important than ever," said Mary Agnes Welch, former president of the Canadian Association of Journalists, reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press, and spokesperson for the campaign. "Journalists are thoroughly trained and deeply committed to their profession, and you see the results every day in news stories that are interesting, reliable and always striving for the truth. Our campaign is aimed at initiating a wider conversation about the value of journalism and what we all need to do to support a robust journalistic culture in Canadian society." 


Campaign sponsors (list below) include professional associations, unions representing journalists and other employees in the media industry, educational institutions, media corporations and industry associations. "The breadth of sponsorships and support highlights a unique characteristic of this campaign" said Lana Payne, Unifor Atlantic Director, columnist for The Telegram in St. John's NFLD, and MC for the campaign launch. "It involves stakeholders from across the media industry and in all forms of media – traditional and digital – coming together to recognize the contribution that the principles and the practitioners of professional journalism make to building and sustaining an open, democratic and engaged Canadian society."


The JournalismIs campaign marks the first phase of a longer term effort to mobilize the media industry and the public to support professional journalism in Canada. "Right now this campaign is about initiating a public conversation. We believe this is the first step toward taking action to preserve and promote our profession in the future" commented Ms. Welch. 

JournalismIS: Campaign Sponsors

Ryerson School of Journalism


Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ)

The Globe and Mail

Toronto Star and Metroland Papers

Bell Media CTV


Communications Workers of America

Newspapers Canada

TC Media

Winnipeg Free Press


Glacier Media Group

Black Press


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