Sun donates to Unifor Syrian family

Sun Media (now a division of Postmedia) has donated a set of leather furniture to a family being sponsored by Unifor and supported by Local 87-M volunteers.

The furniture, once housed in the Human Resources department at the Sun Media building at 333 King St. E. in Toronto, was donated prior to the Sun's move to the Postmedia building on Bloor Street in late March. 

"We told Human Resources VP Chris Krygiel about our efforts to help a Syrian refugee family and he immediately offered to donate the furniture to the cause," said Paul Morse, Local 87-M president. "It was a very generous gesture."

Unifor is sponsoring five families for one year at a cost of about $150,000. Volunteers from Unifor are also contributing their time and energy in helping the families get settled in Canada. Much of the funding is coming from Unifor's Social Justice fund which is supported by voluntary 1-cent-per-hour donations from members.


Postmedia union drive


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