Unifor 87-M welcomes Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions delegation

A 4-person delegation from the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU), accompanied by Canadian labour activist Winnie Ng, paid a courtesy visit to Unifor 87-M office on June 1st 2018. The delegation was welcomed by Unifor 87-M President Paul Morse, 87-M Local Union Organizer Emina Gamulin and Sing Tao unit chair K.H.Wong.

As an international solidarity exchange project, Unifor is hosting an educational tour of this HKCTU delegation. The delegation arrived in Toronto last week and has been meeting with various local unions. The Toronto & York Region Labour Council's Chinese Workers Network and Unifor 87-M also co-hosted a forum/dinner event for the delegation. The delegation will go to Port Elgin for a week-long of courses in the first week of June.

A few years ago, three representatives of Unifor 87-M went to China and Hong Kong for a working visit as part of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council delegation. HKCTU served as our host when the Labour Council delegation was in Hong Kong.

The members of this HKCTU delegation are:

1. Connie Leung, chairperson of Association of Government Technical And Survey Officers. She is also one of a vice-chairperson of HKCTU, and chairperson of Trade Union Education Centre.

2. Johnny Ng, one of an exco-member of the Hong Kong Post Office Employees Union. He is also an active member of HKCTU youth group.

3. Hong-lim Lam, vice-chairperson of New World First Bus Company Staff Union and chair of collective bargaining committee.

4. Stanley Ho, union educator of HKCTU whose priority is youth organizing.

The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) is a pro-democracy labour and political group in the Hong Kong. It was established in 1990. It has 160,000 members in 61 affiliates (mainly trade unions in various sectors) and has representation in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong to challenge government policies and push for legal protection of worker and trade union rights. It is one of the two most influential labour groups in Hong Kong. (The other is a pro-Beijing group).


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