Unifor's "Rights at Work" campaign tour lands at 87-M

Unifor's "Rights at Work" campaign tour lands at 87-M

The Unifor campaign to inform workers about rights that are threatened by both the federal and provincial Conservative party agendas landed at Local 87-M on April 17.

Here is the union's statement on the issue:

Unions exist to make conditions for workers fairer and safer, across all sectors and workplaces.

The central work of unions - collective bargaining -benefits all workers and it gives them a greater say in their working conditions.

But this isn’t possible though without the laws that make unions and bargaining feasible. Conservative politicians – in the federal government and provincial governments across Canada are trying to dismantle these laws.

The suggestion that Conservative politicians are concerned about workers and jobs couldn’t be farther from the truth. Conservative attacks on labour laws are not about choice, but removing choice for workers, in favour of business.

Unifor is standing up for your rights at work – and your right to even have and exercise these rights.

Historically and today unions are an agent of equality and fairness. Together, we need to ensure that unions are strong so that we can continue to push for greater workplace rights, living wages, retirement security and other social benefits.   

The union is organizing a series of leadership meetings right across the country – workplace representatives are invited to attend. Click here for the schedule or check your regional events listing.

Unifor workplace representatives will be conducting on the job canvases of all Unifor members, making sure members know about the union, the benefits it brings and how to get involved.  

Check below for interesting resources related to the campaign.



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